
Wine Australia launches a new Interactive Insights portal for grapegrowers and winemakers

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Wine Australia has officially launched an Interactive Insights portal for grapegrowers and winemakers to help them develop sustainable businesses.

The new portal provides round-the-clock access to the latest wine export and grape production data. “This resource will give the sector the power to do individualized research on exports, crush, winegrape price, vineyard plantings, and global wine markets whenever they need access to this powerful information,” Wine Australia CEO Andreas Clark said in a statement on Monday.

The agency’s latest portal includes the following tools:

  1. Export dashboard – a comprehensive look at Australian wine export data drawing on Wine Australia’s quarterly export reports
  2. National Vintage Survey dashboard – access to Australian vintage crush and winegrape price information, with data drawn from Wine Australia’s National Vintage Survey 
  3. Market Explorer – a business planning tool bringing together several datasets relevant to exporting Australian wine
  4. Wine Geographical Indications (GIs) dashboard – an interactive map that allows users to explore Australian wine regions.

The dashboards feature clear and colorful charts and filters that provide high-quality pictures. Users can hover over sections for additional detail. Results of data queries are available for download in Excel or PDF format. 

Wine Australia officially launched an interactive insights portal for grape growers and winemakers
Overview of the dashboard. Source: Wine Australia

Virtual marketplace opens 

The portal launch coincided with the opening of CONNECT, a virtual marketplace that features 232 wineries and over 2,000 wines across the country. 

“Its unique virtual expo format presents a new way of doing business. It was designed to bring people together, regardless of location, time zones, or travel restrictions, enabling business conversations with Australian wineries,” Clark said. 

The CONNECT web platform has three sections: 

  1. Expo – an online trade fair with search functionality that allows buyers to match with Australian wineries, searching by style, producer, and import markets.
  2. Discover – an educational section that provides in-depth information on Australia’s wine regions. This section also allows for trade to explore specially curated wine selections based on topical themes.
  3. Conversations – the section hosts all upcoming sessions that include thought-leadership keynotes and virtual tastings. Records of previous tastings and masterclasses will also be available in this section. 

The CONNECT platform will host quarterly panel discussions with global thought leaders on the future of drinking. On the first Tuesday of each month, it will also assess Australia’s climate, landscape, and regional wines by variety or style.

Wine Australia counts over 1,500 trade representatives from 44 countries that have already registered for the CONNECT events.

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