Wines of Chile hosted a wine event showcasing high-quality Chilean wines in two Chinese cities
last week.
Happened last November 5 and 8 in Shenzhen and Shanghai, Evolution 92+ exclusively highlighted
stellar wines from 45 boutique wineries from Chile, organized by the Chilean wine Association:
Wines of Chile.
From 90 points, this year’s event only featured wines scoring 92 points and above based on
various international point systems, such as Wine Spectator and Decanter. These came from three
geographic areas of Chile, namely Costa, Entre Cordilleras, and Andes Areas.
“The origin of Evolution 92+ will show the fast development of wines of Chile to the Chinese
market and how we raise the bar from 90 to 92 points in promotions,” said Wines of Chile Asia
Director Nicolai Samsing.
On each city, Wines of Chile organized a 150 people Master Class, hosted by Fongyee Walker MW,
Julien Boulard MW and Lu Yang MS. After, more than 600 professionals per city attended the Walk
Around tasting, where each of the 45 wineries showcased their premium portfolio of wines.
To cap off the event, an after-party was held at the Bvlgari Hotel in Shanghai.
Chile is China’s second-biggest wine exporter. Year to date, it increased its wine exportation to the
country by over 50% to around US$251 million.