Accolade Wines Introduces Alcohol-Free Wine Collection &Then

South Australia-headquartered Accolade Wines has launched its zero-alcohol wine collection. 

Called &Then, the collection is made using the company’s own de-alcoholising technique, Zero Tech X technology, which retains the aroma, body and flavor of full-strength wine while being more gentle compared with other de-alcoholising methods.

The process, according to a media release, requires less sugary additives with every 150 mililiter glass containing under 25 calories and no more than 2 grams of sugar.

&Then currently comes with two varietals: a Chardonnay with full-flavored palate layered with stone fruits and a touch of oak, and Cabernet Sauvignon with dark berry flavors and hints of oak and spice. 

A Provence-style Rose and a Blanc De Blancs Sparkling will be added to the collection later.

&Then will retail from June across pubs and bars in the United Kingdom at £8 per 750ml bottle.

Rising No, Low Alcohol Drinks Market

A study published early in the year by IWSR Drinks Market Analysis showed that the no and low alcohol drinks increased by 6% in volume in 10 focus markets in 2021, cornering 3.5% of the volume share of the entire alcoholic drinks industry. 

Their market value now stood at US$10 billion from US$7.8 billion in 2018. IWSR projected that the segment could grow at an 8% CAGR between 2021 and 2025.

With around half of global consumers now trying to reduce their alcohol intake, Accolade Wines created &Then, targeting mid-millennials who are looking for “stylish and contemporary” zero-alcohol alternatives who are not ready to compromise “elegant” style or taste.

“&Then is our commitment to provide quality wine alternatives for those curious about being sober or wanting to moderate,” said Accolade Wines CMO Sandy Mayo.