China’s Q1 2022 Wine Imports Fall 20%

Trade disruptions caused by a resurgence of coronavirus infections in China brought down wine importation by 20% year on year in the first three months of 2022. 

Data from China Customs showed that US$348 million worth of imported wines entered the country in January-March. 

French wines, the top wine import in China, declined by 16% in value to US$151 million while second most imported wine, Chilean wines, grew by 3% to US$83.7 million.

Wines exported from Italy to China decreased by 16% to US$35 million. Spanish exporters brought US$27.8 million wines to the country, down 17% compared to the level seen in the first quarter of 2021.

American wines jumped by 44% in value to US$11 million while Argentinian wines went down 36%. 

Wines from New Zealand and Germany saw declines of 5% and 6%, respectively.

Among top exporters, Georgia was the only exporting country that saw a twofold increase in exports to China in the first quarter worth US$4.6 million compared to the same period last year.

Meanwhile, South African wines dwindled in value by 34% to US$3.7 million.

In terms of categories, imported bottles containing 2 liter or less of wine slid by 22%, bottles holding more than 2L but less than 10L down 31% while bottles with over 2L of wine rose by 5%.

In March alone, China imported US$104.5 million worth of wines, also down 13% compared to the same month last year.

China’s Top 10 Wine Exporters in Q1 2022

Rank Country Value in 2022 Value in 2021 % Change
1 France US$151,225,769 US$180,244,879 -16%
2 Chile US$83,722,775 US$80,973,600 +3%
3 Italy US$34,992,042 US$41,443,531 -16%
4 Spain US$27,856,588 US$33,395,356 -17%
5 United States US$11,034,917 US$7,639,492 +44%
6 Argentina US$5,812,569 US$9,129,934 -36%
7 New Zealand US$5,472,188 US$5,746,538 -5%
8 Germany US$5,248,695 US$5,570,545 -6%
9 Georgia US$4,606,669 US$2,149,040 +114%
10 South Africa US$3,701,636 US$5,637,290 -34%
Total US$347,996,438 US$434,039,152 -20%
Source: China Customs

Wine Categories in Q1 2022

Bottled Wine Size Value in 2022 Value in 2021 % Change
In containers holding 2 liters or less US$293,961,633 US$376,571,269 -22%
In containers holding more than 2 liters but less than 10 liters US$2,239,646 US$3,265,592 -31%
In containers holding more than 2 liters US$29,349,132 US$28,047,079 +5%
Source: China Customs

China’s Top 10 Wine Exporters in March 2022

Rank Country Value in 2022 Value in 2021 % Change
1 France US$43,146,464 US$55,613,525 -22%
2 Chile US$27,552,434 US$24,059,614 +15%
3 Italy US$10,779,992 US$12,074,403 -11%
4 Spain US$8,848,854 US$9,345,256 -5%
5 United States US$2,780,463 US$2,585,297 +8%
6 New Zealand US$2,019,401 US$3,040,254 -34%
7 Germany US$1,944,976 US$1,649,413 +18%
8 South Africa US$1,308,347 US$2,012,617 -35%
9 Argentina US$1,247,681 US$2,922,225 -57%
10 Georgia US$1,034,533 US$556,038 +86%
Total US$104,524,004 US$120,381,727 -13%
Source: China Customs

Wine Categories in March 2022

Bottled Wine Size Value in 2021 Value in 2020 % Change
In containers holding 2 liters or less US$83,516,514 US$104,196,027 -20%
In containers holding more than 2 liters but less than 10 liters US$442,936 US$841,032 -47%
In containers holding more than 2 liters US$13,137,433 US$5,877,394 +124%
Source: China Customs
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